Sim Pedals Ultimate - Baseplate

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  • Regular price R$ 671,00

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When operating our range of Sim Pedals near their maximum force capability, they need a very sturdy mount to your rig. If you want to mount your pedals to a baseplate first instead of mounting them individually, our Sim Pedals Baseplate is your product of choice.

With our range of Sim Pedals being able to cope with the forces as experienced in real life racing cars, a sturdy mount to your simulator rig is an absolute must. If you do not want mount the pedals directly to your rig but want to put them on a baseplate first, we offer an optional rigid mounting solution. These baseplates are designed to show absolutely zero flex under load, while maintaining flexibility when it comes to positioning individual pedals

Mounting Options:

Depending on your rig, you have the option to use the straigth/parallel brackets or angled brackets. Both bracket types are supplied with every baseplate. The angled brackets are specifically designed for rigs which come with a proprietary pedal mounting plate which is inclined towards the seat.

Our angled brackets tilt the Sim Pedals Baseplate by 15 degrees. This offsets the default plate inclination from your rig creating a horizontal mounting platform for your Sim Pedals. If your rig has an angled pedal deck, this will also elevate the position of the pedals, enhancing ergonomics and resulting in a more realistic driving position where the pedal box and seat are at a more level position relative to eachother. The images show both types of brackets, as well as a schematic showing various seating positions and the appropriate bracket type.


The Sim Pedals Baseplate is suitable for both our Sim Pedals Pro and Sim Pedals Ultimate using one generic design (the Sim Pedals Racecenter are not supported). If you decide to upgrade from our Pro pedals to our Ultimate pedals, you will be able to use the same baseplate.